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Meadow Bridge Primary School, Hillsborough

Primary 2’s Trip to Moria Demesne!

25th Oct 2023

‘When life gives you rain, jump in the muddy puddles’ 

Although we couldn’t plan the weather for our first trip in P2, we certainly planned for lots of fun to be had and what fun we did have! We started our day off with full tummy’s as we enjoyed a yummy picnic as soon as we arrived. We then all became mini detectives and followed a map around the grounds to explore and find all sorts of natural items. In our pairs, we carefully collected a wide variety of items and kept them safe in our special bags to use on our return to our classroom. As we did this, we used our useful leaf identifier frames to help us identify the different leaves and the specific trees which they come from. Following our short journey back to school, we made our own little ‘tree clay face’ using all the natural items which we had collected. We hope you enjoy looking at all our photos even if we are looking a little soggy!