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Meadow Bridge Primary School, Hillsborough

Leavers' Assembly Awards

25th Jun 2024
At this morning's Leavers' Assembly, a number of awards were given out to pupils. These awards hold a special place in the heart of Meadow Bridge as they have been donated by past members of staff, past-parents or in memory of past-pupils.

The following were awarded to pupils from each year-group:

The Helen Kerr Memory Cup (Kindness): P1-P3
The Barnabas Award (Encouragment): P4-P7

Congratulations to our Primary 7 pupils who were presented with the following awards:

The Kirk STAR Award (Effort)
The Jonathan Briggs Award (Literacy)
The Nelson Shield (Numeracy)
The Joshua Fletcher STEM Award (STEM)
The Shields Arts Award (The Arts)
The Andrew Compton Memorial Cup (Football)
The Greer Award (Hockey)
The Best Sportsperson Award (Overall)